How long does 1k automotive paint take to cure?


In the process of car painting and repair, 1k car paint is popular for its convenience and excellent performance. 1k automotive paint is a single-component paint. Unlike 2K car paint, it does not require the addition of curing agent and can be used by mixing with thinner.

Understanding the curing time of 1k automotive paint is crucial to ensure the painting effect and work efficiency. This article will discuss in detail the curing time of 1k car paint, the factors affecting the curing time, the precautions during the construction process, and the correct curing steps.

1k automotive paint

Basic concepts of 1k automotive paint

1. What is 1k automotive paint?

1k automotive paint is a single-component paint that includes two types: color paint and clear coat. Its formula already contains all the necessary ingredients. It can be used by adding an appropriate amount of thinner without adding a curing agent. 1K paint cures through natural volatilization and oxidation reaction in the air. It is easy to use and suitable for car repair spraying and overall painting.

2. What are the types of 1k car paint?

    ● 1K paint: used to provide color and hiding power on the surface of the car, usually needs to be applied on the primer or intermediate paint layer.

    ● 1K clearcoat: used to provide gloss and protective layer, usually covered on the paint layer to increase the wear resistance and UV resistance of the coating.

automotive paint

How long does it take for 1k automotive paint to cure?

1. Definition of curing time

Curing time refers to the time required for the paint to change from liquid to solid and form a solid paint film. The curing process of 1k automotive paint mainly includes two stages: solvent volatilization and paint film oxidation.

    ● Solvent volatilization: The solvent in the paint gradually evaporates in the air, causing the paint film surface to gradually dry.

    ● Paint film oxidation: The resin in the paint reacts with oxygen in the air to form a solid paint film.

2. Curing time of 1K paint

The curing time of 1K paint is usually short, which is mainly affected by the solvent volatilization rate. Under standard environmental conditions (temperature 20°C, humidity 50%), the surface drying time of 1K paint is about 20-30 minutes, and the full curing time is 1-2 hours. However, the actual curing time may vary depending on environmental conditions and film thickness.

3. Curing time of 1K clearcoat

The curing time of 1K clearcoat is relatively long, which is mainly affected by the oxidation rate of the paint film. Under standard environmental conditions, the surface drying time of 1K clearcoat is about 10-20 minutes, and the full curing time is 24 hours. To ensure the durability and gloss of the paint film, it is recommended to polish and wax after full curing.

1k car paint

What are the factors affecting the curing time of 1k automotive paint?

1. Ambient temperature

The ambient temperature has a significant effect on the curing time of 1k automotive paint. The higher the temperature, the faster the solvent evaporates and the paint film oxidizes, and the shorter the curing time. Conversely, the lower the temperature, the longer the curing time. Therefore, when working in a high temperature environment, it is necessary to control the coating speed to avoid sagging of the paint film; when working in a low temperature environment, it is necessary to extend the drying time to ensure that the paint film is fully cured.

2. Ambient humidity

The ambient humidity also affects the curing time of 1k automotive paint. The higher the humidity, the slower the solvent evaporates and the longer the curing time; the lower the humidity, the shorter the curing time. When working in a high humidity environment, ensure good ventilation to promote solvent evaporation; when working in a low humidity environment, avoid too fast drying of the paint film, which affects the leveling of the paint film.

3. Coating thickness

The coating thickness directly affects the curing time of 1k car paint. The thicker the coating, the longer it takes for the solvent to evaporate and the paint film to oxidize, and the longer the curing time. Therefore, it is recommended to apply the coating according to the manufacturer's recommended thickness and avoid too thick or too thin a coating.

4. Use of thinner

The type and amount of thinner will also affect the curing time of 1k automotive paint. Fast-drying thinners can accelerate solvent evaporation and shorten the curing time; slow-drying thinners can delay solvent evaporation and extend the curing time. In actual use, the appropriate type and amount of thinner should be selected according to environmental conditions and coating requirements.

1k automotive paint

Precautions during construction

1. Surface treatment

Before spraying 1k automotive paint, surface treatment is a key step. Make sure the surface to be painted is clean, dry, free of grease and dust. Common surface preparation steps include:

    ● Sanding: Sand the painted surface with sandpaper to remove old paint and rust and increase the adhesion of the new paint film.

    ● Cleaning: Clean the sanded surface with a detergent and degreaser to ensure that there is no grease and dust residue.

    ● Primer coating: Apply anti-rust primer to the exposed metal surface to enhance corrosion protection.

2. Mixing and spraying

    ● Mixing: Mix 1K paint and thinner evenly according to the mixing ratio provided by the manufacturer. Use a stirrer or stir manually to ensure that the mixture is free of precipitation and lumps.

    ● Spraying: Use a suitable spray gun to spray according to the specified spraying pressure and nozzle size. Usually 2-3 layers are required, and appropriate drying time (about 5-10 minutes) is maintained between each layer.

3. Drying and sanding

    ● Drying: After spraying, the paint film needs to dry naturally. 1K color paint usually dries within 20-30 minutes, and it takes 1-2 hours to dry completely. The surface drying time of 1K clearcoat is about 10-20 minutes, and it takes 24 hours to dry completely.

    ● Sanding: For situations where multiple spraying is required, after each layer of paint film is dry, lightly sand it with fine sandpaper (such as P800-P1000) to increase the adhesion of the next layer of paint film.

Treatment after curing of 1k car paint

1. Polishing and waxing

After the 1K clearcoat is completely cured (about 24 hours), it can be polished and waxed to increase the gloss and protection of the paint film. Professional polishing machines and polishing agents can be used for polishing, and high-quality car wax can be used for waxing.

2. Protection and maintenance

The fully cured paint film has strong wear resistance and weather resistance, but it is still necessary to pay attention to daily protection and maintenance. Avoid long-term exposure to strong sunlight and acid-base environments, and clean and wax regularly to maintain the gloss and protection of the paint film.

automotive paint

What are the advantages of 1k car paint?

1. Convenience

1k automotive paint does not require the addition of curing agent. It can be used by mixing with diluent. It is easy to operate and reduces the construction steps. It is suitable for quick repair and small area spraying.

2. Excellent construction performance

1k automotive paint has good leveling and hiding power. After spraying, the paint film is flat and smooth, with uniform color and high gloss. The fast drying speed shortens the construction time and improves work efficiency.

3. Environmental protection

Modern 1k automotive paint adopts a low VOC (volatile organic compound) formula to reduce pollution to the environment and health hazards to construction workers. Water-based 1K paint is a representative of environmentally friendly coatings and has gradually become the mainstream choice in the market.


1k automotive paint is widely used in automotive painting and repairing due to its convenient operation and excellent performance. Understanding its curing time and influencing factors will help improve the coating quality and work efficiency. Correct construction steps and environmental control, as well as scientific and reasonable mixing ratios and diluent selection are the key to ensure that 1k automotive paint is successfully cured and forms a high-quality paint film.

By scientifically and rationally selecting and using 1k automotive paint, the coating quality can be effectively improved, the service life of the paint film can be extended, and a win-win situation of economic and environmental benefits can be achieved. Construction workers need to pay attention to environmental control, construction safety and the accuracy of the mixing ratio to ensure the smooth progress of the coating process.

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